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Public transportation In Padang Indonesia

Public transportation anywhere in the world has always been praised for being advanced, practical, and clean. Those three features, after all, are the ones that make people choose to ride public transportation rather than driving with their own vehicle. But when you come to Indonesia, specifically to Padang, West Sumatra, you will be awed by a new level of public transportation which does not boast about its cleanliness and practicality.

What you will see is art. The public transportation there, the ‘angkot‘ (‘angkutan kota’ / town transportation), has a paint job and vinyls here and there, making it look like a racing car. They also have TV, sound system, and speakers or subwoofers, colorful lights, to make the vehicle become a moving place for disco. All of them are designed for customers to enjoy the ride.

The downside of this is that they have to fill or change their accumulator because it surely wastes a big amount of it by turning on the TV, subwoofers, and the lights. However, considering the amount of customers they could get by this modification, a little extra money spent for the accumulator is not really a big deal.
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