He suspected that the MKD's decision to halt the proceedings without arriving at a decision in the ongoing process was only aimed at saving Novanto. Susetyo said Novanto's resignation failed to justify the violation of the ethics code committed by him as a parliament member.

"It appears as though by resigning, the case is settled. It is not impossible that later Novanto could become chairman of the MKD as he has never been declared guilty," he pointed out.
Susetyo emphasized that the MKD should have imposed a sanction on Novanto as he is guilty of violating the code of ethics. Hence, he would no longer have the opportunity to later bid for MKD's leadership or the house speaker's post again.
On Wednesday, the MKD decided to close the alleged ethics violation case involving Novanto following a report submitted by Energy and Mineral Resources Minister Sudirman Said on grounds that Novanto had resigned from the post of house speaker.
Novanto submitted a resignation letter to the MKD after all its members voted against him. Said had reported Novanto to the MKD for having used the names of the president and vice president in an alleged deal-making bid with PT Freeport Indonesia, which was seeking an extension of its contract.
The minister had submitted the audio recording of the conversation Novanto had with President Director of PT Freeport Maroef Sjamsoeddin and businessman M. Riza Chalid to the MKD as evidence.
Said and Sjamsoeddin were questioned by the MKD in open sessions. Novanto was also summoned by the MKD, but the session was held behind closed doors. Novanto has refused to answer any questions as he believes that the recording was obtained illegally. Novanto has also pleaded his innocence in the case.
Source: Antara
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