Tombs were later moved to the right side of the toll road from Jakarta to Cirebon. Mbah Samijem positions currently located exactly on the side of the highway. In fact, before the tomb of Mbah Samijem there in the middle of the cemetery.
Ahmad explained that the removal of the tomb of the residents by contractors cikampek-palimanan toll road without going through the ritual, such as a pilgrimage to the tomb of Mbah Samijem and others. The bottom line, Ahmad said, requested permission to the Almighty for the implementation of development and operation of the toll road did not happen things that are not desirable.
They may not believe, but the values that we profess here, "he said. In addition to not perform the ritual, the contractor is also no dialogue or negotiate to the heirs.They immediately moved the tomb after giving cash compensation is only Rp 100,000.
Now, the condition of the tomb is located in the middle of rice fields and plantations. None of the access road impassable citizens, so that when someone dies, people have to walk in to the field and carry the coffin relay.
Ahmad regretted PT Lintas Marga Sedaya, the owner of the longest toll road in Indonesia that does not respect the customs in the village.
Strange occurrences Toll Cipali
According to Ahmad, there are a number of strange events on the highway this hotel. First, "there are people who saw the car spinning up to 20 rounds," he said.Because it happened in the afternoon, quite a lot of citizens who saw the incident.
Second, citizens who were working in the fields saw there was a woman walking in the middle of the expressway and hair covered highway. "After that there was an accident that resulted in six dead at the time," said Ahmad.
Third, this in Cipali incoming Toll Cirebon at km 182. There is a large stone that was on the left side of the highway from Cirebon to Jakarta. Road contractor since the beginning of difficulty moving. Finally the big stone is left alone.
Fourth, the Toll Cipali in Cirebon, there is a winding road. Smooth road conditions to make drivers often careless with the speed of the car. Once a driver told me "I was not aware, cool to just talk, suddenly at the sight of the speedometer, the speed of the car was diangka 178," said one driver. Though he felt the car speed is only about 80 to 100. "I immediately memerlambat rate of the vehicle and rest for a while, "he said.
Ahmad proposed management of PT Lintas Marga Sedaya, the largest shares owned Malaysian company, immediately visit the tomb of Mbah Samijem. "Not only that, the access of citizens to the cemetery was easy. Because the funeral only here, "he said.
Similar expectations conveyed KH Maman Imanulhaq, leaders of pesantren Al Mizan, District Jatiwangi, Majalengka. "Often the accident occurred due to the implementation of the construction, road contractor does not value local knowledge in a particular area," he said.
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