The history of Frisian Flag is started when sweetened condensed milk under Friesche Vlag brand imported by Cooperatve Condensfabriek Friesland, which has become Royal FrieslandCampina, in 1922. Since the beginning, Sweetened Condensed Milk is promoted and sold by Indonesian business partners. In order to win the market competition, its product known as “Soesoe Tjap Bendera”.
In 1968, PT Friesche Vlag Indonesia was founded through partnership of Cooperatieve Condensfabriek Friesland and a local company. In 1969, Plant Pasar Rebo was founded. In 1971, it started to produce Sweetened Condensed Milk and distribute the product to every region of Indonesia.
leaflet 1937
Combi Frisian Flag
PT Friesche Vlag Indonesia then produce powder milk in 1979, the first growing up milk in Indonesia was produced in 1988, and ready to drink UHT milk in 1991.
In 2002, PT Friesche Vlag became PT Frisian Flag Indonesia. In the following years, several companies joined under PT Frisian Flag Indonesia name.
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