The Minister for Public Works and Housing, Basuki Hadimuljono will also join the field trip, which is also popularly referred asblusukan.
In an official agenda that was published by the Jakarta provincial government, the precise location of the field trip is not stated. According to a Jakarta official, Muhammad Mawardi, the President will visit several sites.
“It is not yet clear (the location of the survey). Because this is the President’s agenda and the governor is accompanying RI 1 (the president), but the information that was received included surveying of the Ciliwung river connection project and the West Flood Canal,” Mawardi said on Tuesday night (17 Feb 2015).
The field trip with Ahok will be the first conducted since Jokowi was inaugurated as President. Previously, when Jokowi was still serving as Jakarta Governor, he had brought Ahok on a field trip that took place on 27 February 2014.
In February 2014, the whole day blusukan saw Jokowi and Ahok visiting four places. The then Governor and Lieutenant Governor of Jakarta started with visiting the urban forest area in North Jakarta, passing through the Kali Jodo prostitution site. They then surveyed the site of kampung deret (kampong row) development in Petogogan, South Jakarta, before inaugurating the newly constructed Ciplak Market. The pair then went to Cijantung Market to also inaugurate the facility.
At that time, the conclusion that was drawn by reporters was that using the blusukan session, Jokowi was actually introducing Ahok, who were going to be appointed as governor, should the former becomes the country’s president. Jokowi was then heavily rumored to be nominated as a presidential candidate by the PDI-P party. He later won the Presidential Election and was inaugurated as President in October 2014.
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