The path of the eclipse shadow in 2016 crosses the vast area of Indonesia, offering an interesting mix of unusual and exotic destinations together with promising weather prospects and an eclipse of good duration. All of the land crossed by the eclipse is in Indonesia, although with over 13,000 islands and many hundreds of different cultural and ethnic groups, this country offers unsurpassed diversity.

The Eclipse
The eclipse starts when the shadow of the moon reaches the earth’s surface in the Indian Ocean west of Sumatra. The shadow then moves across Indonesia and out into the Pacific Ocean, with a maximum eclipse duration of just over four minutes south of Guam and the track ends north of Hawaii. Indonesia is the only land crossed by the eclipse.
- maximum duration of totality app 2 min 12 secs
Palu, Sulawesi
- maximum duration of totality app. 2 min 50 secs
- maximum duration of totality app. 2 min 44 secs
- maximum duration of totality app. 3 min 05 secs
Moti Island
- maximum duration of totality app. 3 min 15 secs
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